With rent prices rising faster than her substitute teaching pay could grow, Cheryl needed to find a solution to her financial challenges…and fast. She turned to Path To Connections for help. Turning Her Problems into Profits Brandy worked with her to find a problem she already knew how to solve that she could leverage so […]

A Storytelling Roadmap
When I started my storytelling journey, I faced a common problem: I didn’t know how to begin, where to end, or what belonged in the middle. After working with writers and entrepreneurs for many years, I developed a universal storytelling roadmap. The roadmap ensured that every storyteller could feel confident about where to start, where […]
Connecting with TEAP: A Path To Connections™ Success Story
Our story: Connecting for Success with TEAP at Path To Connections

Building Relationships Versus Bartering: Creating Connections Versus Conducting Transactions
At Path To Connections™, we emphasize the importance and power of building long-term relationships with other people. Those relationships aren’t limited to connections with other business owners, either. Every relationship you build expands the number of people who know you and know what you can do, and accelerates your potential for success. Relationship Building and […]

Connect for Success
When I first started a business with my husband, back in November of 2011, we thought we knew what marketing involved. He’d worked in radio and, as a DJ, often participated in the company’s promotional strategy sessions. I’d worked for a Fortune 500 company in their marketing division. I’d been directly involved in planning their […]