Case Study in Strategic Success: Speak 2 Be Heard

With rent prices rising faster than her substitute teaching pay could grow, Cheryl needed to find a solution to her financial challenges…and fast. She turned to Path To Connections for help.

Turning Her Problems into Profits

Brandy worked with her to find a problem she already knew how to solve that she could leverage so she could start on a shoestring without having to invest a lot of money in equipment or take a lot of extra time to build her expertise. That problem? Overcoming the fear of public speaking.

Cheryl once struggled with the fear of public speaking and joined Toastmasters in 1988. She rose through the rank to Area Governor at one point before leaving Toastmasters. She returned to her old club, Denton Toastmasters, in 2018. Her award-winning performances and talent for infusing joy into every speech provided her a perfect platform for success as a speaker and coach.

Preparing to Do Business as Speak 2 Be Heard

We walked her through what she needed to do to set her business on solid financial footing:

  • Registering with the City to get her business license
  • Establishing her business bank account
  • Setting up Stripe and Paypal accounts so she could accept payments on her site and at events

Getting Her M.A.P. (Marketing and PR) Ready

Stage one of getting her M.A.P. ready was to help her build her website. We spent time walking her through the process of choosing her brand colors and workshopping the initial offerings, pricing, and packages. We also worked with her to help her decide what she could offer that would help her stand out from other speaking coaches. She chose to focus on infusing every speech with joy so that audiences that listen to her clients walk away feeling uplifted as well as enlightened by the content.

Providing Guidance and Training

Connecting to the SBDC and SCORE for Mentorship

We knew from our own experiences that the SBDC and SCORE could offer her free ongoing mentorship and support beyond what we could provide, so we encouraged her to make those connections.

Attending the B.O.S.S. Workshop

To help turn her into the B.O.S.S. of her industry, we invited her to participate in the B.O.S.S. (Business of Strategic Storytelling) workshop in July of 2024. During the workshop, we helped her to put her brand story and personal narrative. It wasn’t until the workshop was nearly at an end that we discovered she’d written it all by hand instead of using the computer to take notes, making it hard for her to copy and paste the way other students did.

Taking the 5-Steps to Get Anyone to Lean In and Listen To You

As part of our gift to the students who participated in that first cohort, she received complementary access to our 5-Steps course.

Finding Success

Using what she learned, she attended a free business networking event where she received an invitation to give a speech to 40 members of a different business networking group. The speech went so well she was invited to give a paid speech before the roughly 40 men and women who are served by Denton Freedom House. That paid speech is scheduled for December 20th and represents the start of financial success for this 74-year-old expert speaker.

Get Help from Speak 2 Be Heard

Visit for basic or advanced coaching with Cheryl or to schedule her for a paid speaking engagement.

A Storytelling Roadmap

When I started my storytelling journey, I faced a common problem: I didn’t know how to begin, where to end, or what belonged in the middle. After working with writers and entrepreneurs for many years, I developed a universal storytelling roadmap. The roadmap ensured that every storyteller could feel confident about where to start, where to end, and what to put in the middle. It also allowed them to identify who might need to hear that story just by focusing on who faced that problem.

Why Build a Storytelling Roadmap?

Building a storytelling roadmap helps you ensure you’re taking your audience on a journey to a destination they want to visit. It also allows you to speak, write, or create with confidence, knowing what to include to be sure you get your audience from where they are to where they want to be. Here are 9 points to hit when you’re building your roadmap:

1. Ask a Relevant Question

Ever felt the frustration of listening to someone ramble on and on with no idea where they’re trying to take you or how long the trip is going to be? Imagine those are your readers or your listeners in the audience. You don’t want that experience for them.

Asking a relevant question, though, perks them up. It hints at where the journey’s going to take them and gets them reacting to you right away. The question should be directly related to what you’re going to talk about or it’s just a tease – and nobody likes those. Your goal: to get them to raise their hand and say “yes” to whatever you just asked them.

2. Prepare Them for the Journey

Identify the problem that you’re going to help them solve by the time you reach the end of the talk. Choose one they want to solve.

3. Reveal Your H.E.A.R.T.

You want to earn their trust right off the bat and reassure them that you get them. You understand where they are and why they want so badly to be where it is you’re going to help them go.

To do that, you’re going to need to share your humanity, your empathy, your authenticity, your reliability, and your trustworthiness – in other words, your H.E.A.R.T.!

Don’t be afraid to share your mistakes and failures. Tell them what it felt like when you first faced up to this problem. What stopped you from getting the results you can now help them get? What biases did you have to overcome or false expectations did you have to reset?

The more vulnerable you can be in sharing this, the more you encourage your audience to be vulnerable with you about their mistakes, their biases, and the things that are holding them back from accepting your solution.

4. Wow Them with the Truth!

Give them an insight, a perspective, or a way of looking at things that they never would have if you hadn’t come along. This truth either allowed you to make progress in getting past your mistakes or it stopped you from failing. That allowed you to finally find the solution. As long as you’re being genuine, this moment of truth establishes your credibility and wins them over to the idea of working with you.

5. Explain the Solution

Sharing the solution you uncovered as a result of embracing that truth helps them take another step forward in their journey. You become, at this point, a trusted advisor and mentor guiding them through the many obstacles they face in implementing that solution.

6. Present Your Obstacles

Don’t think it’s necessary for you to have your life all together in order to gain credibility and authority. The truth is that nobody has their life altogether no matter what the appearances may be. Your audience needs you to prepare them for what’s to come. What pit traps and potholes did you fall into or false roads did you take? What potholes did you hit? Let them about those so they know what to expect ahead of time.

7. Give Them Your Answers

Now that you’ve been on that journey, you know how to get past the pit traps, the potholes, and how to spot the false roads. Share the secrets you discovered that help you do this.

8. Share the Results

What amazing changes came to your life because you went on this journey? What were you able to do or where were you able to go that you never thought possible?

Did the reality match the vision you’d had? If not, was it better or worse? Be honest with these things because your audience needs to trust you. If it didn’t meet your expectations but was worse, why are you recommending they go on that journey anyway? What are they going to gain by it?

Maybe the journey makes them tougher, stronger, or wiser. Those are worthwhile goals they may not have considered.

9. Paint a Picture of the Transformation

Your life changed once you learned to solve the problem and put that solution to work for you. It changed the person you were into the person you are today. You want to give your audience hope that their life can transform just like yours did. The more vivid a picture you paint, the easier it will be for people to imagine it and – more importantly – to want to go with you on that journey.

Storytelling Isn’t Just for Writers or Speakers

There are a million ways to tell stories: with art, music, dance, games, websites, graphic design, fabric and fashion design, architecture, product design…if you create it, you can use it to tell a story. Even your business tells a story. We help you make sure the story you’re telling shows your ideal audience why you’re the B.O.S.S. of your industry so you attract the right customers or clients for you.

Want Help Crafting Your Story Roadmap?

Just reach out to and let’s book a free discovery call for you or join our next B.O.S.S. (Business of Strategic Storytelling) workshop.

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